Newark, NJ ( -- When workers sue someone after getting hurt on the job, tricky legal questions sometimes pop up, particularly if it's unclear who employed whom in a negligence context. Such was the case […]
Seattle, WA ( -- A worker generally cannot waive his or her right to workers’ compensation benefits. For that reason, a company that sues a worker for breaching an agreement to waive such benefits is […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- You might have noticed in our legal- and compliance-oriented stories, we like to give you a little bit of nuts-and-bolts info that we call Workers' Comp 101. To help you keep […]
Geneseo, IL (–Whether someone who volunteers for a company is an employee for purposes of workers’ compensation depends on whether there was an employment contract—even an unspoken one. A case involving a pilot who volunteered […]
Boise, ID ( -- The Idaho Industrial Commission Annual Seminar on Workers' Compensation, held in Boise, Idaho, featured a highly anticipated session titled "The Impact of Recent Decisions on Adjusting Claims." This segment aimed to […]
Charleston, WV ( -- Just because two doctors present evidence in a worker's favor doesn't mean that a court will go with the popular vote. In Lucas v. Blue Creek Mining, LLC, No. 21-0655 (W. […]
Waterbury, CT ( -- If a worker tries to shorten his commute by bringing necessary items for his job home with him, is that for his benefit or his employer's? According to the court in […]
Stonybrook, NY ( – Employees are usually not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for injuries that occur on their way to work. But as a case involving a detective struck by a truck on the […]