Albany, NY ( -- What's an "employer" for purposes of New York workers' compensation law? Here's how Empire State law defines it. Covered Employer > An employer who has had in employment one or more […]
Seattle, WA ( -- What kind of documentation does the State of Washington require when a physician assistant signs off on treatment of an injured worker? Here's what Washington wants from a physician assistant: The […]
Augusta, ME ( -- If you're thinking about torts and on-the-job injuries, you're probably also thinking about exclusive remedy rules in most states. What an exclusive remedy rule does is prevent someone from suing for […]
Eugene, OR ( -- Need a handy guide to assessment rates in Oregon? Look no further. Method Each pay period, an employer must retain from the moneys earned by each employee an amount equal to […]
Birmingham, AL ( -- In today's What Do You Think feature, the question at hand focused on whether an Alabama CNA could make a case that she contracted COVID-19 from her job, thereby making it […]
Annapolis, MD ( -- The march toward a paper-free future continues in Maryland, where new rules take away another old school option for workers' compensation filings. As a reminder, in Maryland, forms submitted must be […]
Honolulu, HI ( -- Are you looking to boost your Hawaii workers' compensation vocab? Look no further. Here's a chunk of state law devoted to volunteer officers and the like. "Police chaplain" means a member […]
Tacoma, WA ( -- Stressed out in Seattle? It may be compensable if it results from a single traumatic event. That's because in the State of Washington, stress resulting from exposure to a single traumatic […]