Des Moines, IA ( -- In workers' compensation law, administrative bodies are tasked with applying case law precedent to the best of their interpretive abilities, but sometimes it leads to interpretations that need clearing up. […]
If a worker falls on the job, but no one saw what happened, what happens? The court in Bosque v. Prime Support Inc., 2024 WL 1774127 (N.Y. App. Div. 04/25/24) addressed the question, applying a […]
Minneapolis, MN ( -- What does it take for a worker in Minnesota to establish that she experienced PTSD because of her job? That was the question the state's top court faced in Tea v. […]
Columbia, SC ( -- Can an ergonomics report determine whether an employee suffered a repetitive stress injury without any evidence from a doctor to weigh in on the individual nuances of a claim? According to […]
Kiowa, CO ( -- When a worker alleges that he has an injury that happened on the job, one of the first things he'll need to do is show that it happened in the course […]
Las Vegas, NV ( -- Pop quiz: In Nevada, what counts as "vocational rehabilitation services"? Not to worry, we have you have covered with how the state defines that term. We have you covered in […]
Boulder, CO ( -- If you've ever wondered about how the Rocky Mountain State defines "employee," you're in luck. With help from the tools in our Simply Research kit, we have the Colorado info for […]
Minneapolis, MN ( -- Even though spring is in the air across the country, weather-related safety should be top of mind no matter the season. Although the worker in Zabel v. Gustavus Adolphus College, No. […]