Case File A worker died with "permanent" loss of vision related to a fall on the job, but that didn't entitle his surviving spouse to permanency benefits because there was no finding of maximum medical […]
Juneau, AK ( -- It would make sense that if you hired your friend to do some work around the house for you, even if you paid them, it probably wouldn't trigger workers' compensation coverage. […]
Compliance Corner Catonsville, MD ( -- Like many states, Maryland has rules in place for when an employer fails to secure compensation for all covered employees. As detailed on Simply Research, those rules are as […]
Powered by Simply Research Philadelphia, PA ( -- A recent case from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court considered a question regarding how physicians should come to impairment rating evaluations. Writing an "opinion in support of reversal," […]
Compliance Corner Bismarck, ND ( -- If you're looking for the rules regarding permanent impairment evaluations, they're at your fingertips with a Simply Research subscription. If you haven't signed up for SR yet, here are […]
Washington, DC ( -- For more than two decades the opioid crisis has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, among them some 247,000 died from prescription-opioid overdoses. The names Sackler and Purdue […]
Washington, DC ( -- Generally speaking, the going and coming rule bars compensation when an employee's injury is sustained off the worker premises, while en route to or from work. However, as Rieger v. District […]
Augusta, ME ( -- When medical evidence could point for or against a worker, what's that mean for a workers' compensation claim? As the court in McLaughlin v. Community Living Association, No. App. Div. 23-0019 […]