Some redefine the path for those who follow. Ronna Ruppelt is one of those leaders. A woman of incredible class, resilience, and strategic brilliance, she has carved out a powerful legacy in the insurance industry. […]
The Issue: Why Career Pivots Can Feel Daunting Change is an inevitable part of professional growth. Yet, many women hesitate to pivot careers due to fear of failure, uncertainty, or the perception that shifting industries […]
The Issue: Why Confidence Feels Elusive for Many Women Confidence is often mistaken as an inherent trait—something you either have or do not. In reality, confidence is a skill that can be built, strengthened, and […]
The Issue: How Women Have Shaped Workers’ Compensation For decades, workers’ compensation was an industry primarily dominated by men, from the boardrooms of insurance carriers to the decision-makers crafting policy. However, the past several decades […]
Julie Neil is the kind of leader who transforms spaces with her expertise, warmth, generosity, and strategic brilliance. A powerhouse in the workers' compensation industry, Julie brings a rare combination of business acumen and deep […]
The Issue: Why Authentic Leadership Matters Authenticity in leadership is more than a buzzword—it is a powerful tool for trust, influence, and long-term success. Yet, many women in professional spaces feel pressure to conform to […]
If sunshine had a name, it would be Kristin Green. Kristin is a force of pure light, radiating kindness, encouragement, and unwavering support for anyone lucky to cross her path. Kristin shows up in heart, […]
Some people enter a room and bring light with them. They radiate kindness, strength, and a deep commitment to lifting others up. Melissa Rageth is one of those people. And then she asks you to join her. […]