Compliance Corner Phoenix, AZ ( -- What happens when an employee wants to seek reconsideration of a determination not to proceed in Arizona? That's one of many pieces of information that Simply Research subscribers have […]
What Do You Think? Philadelphia, PA ( -- Employees receiving workers’ compensation benefits due to COVID-19 sometimes seek to extend those benefits based on symptoms of “long-COVID.” It can be hard for doctors to objectively […]
Case File A New York worker couldn't make ends meet, but as Simply Research subscribers know from the full text of her case, that didn't mean she fit the bill for "extreme financial hardship" in […]
Clark, NJ ( -- What happens in the Garden State when a dispute arises over a claim of compensation? Simply Research subscribers know, but the highlights follow. Who can Submit? In case of a dispute […]
Glossary Check Under Maryland workers' compensation law, as Simply Research subscribers know, “sociological information” means: (1) Social Security number; (2) Personal phone number; (3) Personal email address; and (4) Date of birth. Rules on Custodians […]
New York, NY ( -- As an employer or workers’ compensation carrier in New York, when should you fight a COVID-19-related claim, and when should you not? A case involving a worker who drove sick […]
Case File Work is stressful—sometimes very stressful. But an employee is unlikely to have a compensable claim based on stress alone. Instead, she’ll have to show that stress was out of the ordinary—greater than what […]
Case File Because a carrier didn't hold control over how a driver did his work, what equipment he used, and the schedule he followed, the driver was an independent contractor and not an employee under […]