Des Moines, IA ( -- In workers' compensation law, administrative bodies are tasked with applying case law precedent to the best of their interpretive abilities, but sometimes it leads to interpretations that need clearing up. […]
Idaho, Medical Benefit Payments On April 2, 2024, the Supreme Court of Idaho, in Thompson v. Burley Inn, Inc., held that an employer/workers compensation insurer (E/C) was required to reimburse an employee’s medical expenses for the […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- The world of Workers' Compensation can be complex. Still, it is the people and their stories that truly define the heart of the industry. Sarah Meyer is one such person whose […]
Des Moines, IA ( -- When it comes to money, what's reasonable in one place might be too expensive somewhere else. As the Iowa high court explained in Mid American Construction LLC v. Sandlin, No. […]
Des Moines, IA ( -- When the Iowa Workers' Compensation Division decides an investigation is required for the medical details of a worker's injury, what happens? Under Iowa law, the workers’ compensation commissioner may designate […]
Roland, IA ( -- In Iowa, an injured worker can sue a company or coworkers for negligence if he can show they were grossly negligent. Otherwise, in most cases, the injured employee is limited to […]
Des Moines, IA ( -- In Iowa, to get experts' reports into evidence, a workers' compensation claimant must certify those experts as experts within statutorily defined timeframes. Because a worker did not do so in […]
Perry, IA ( – The daughter of a high school principal injured in a school shooting in Iowa said he was protecting kids from the shooter. On Jan. 4, the first day back to school […]