Our previous article explored best practices for managing and optimizing a captive insurance program. We now focus on a specific and essential application of captives: workers' compensation risk management. Workers' compensation is a significant concern […]
Our previous article covered the steps to set up a captive insurance program. Once your captive is established, the real work begins. Effective management and optimization are essential to ensure that your captive continues to […]
In the previous article, we discussed how to assess the suitability of captives for your business and determine whether a captive is the right fit. Once you've decided that a captive insurance program aligns with […]
In previous articles in our Captives 101 series, we explored the basics of captive insurance and why companies choose to implement these structures. Captive insurance offers businesses the flexibility to manage risks and control costs, […]
Case File Although a worker tried to claim that his Texas employer didn't have the right kind of workers' compensation coverage to satisfy state law in an effort to circumvent the exclusivity remedy defense, evidence […]
Sarasota, FL (WorkersCompensation.com) – According to data from Statista, 66.9 percent of the overall total wealth in the U.S. is held by the top 10 percent of earners. Healthcare CEOs have often been among the […]
Austin, TX (WorkersCompensation.com) -- An insurance company writing workers' compensation insurance in Texas must maintain or provide accident prevention facilities that are adequate to provide accident prevention services required by the nature of its policyholders' […]