Form Focus Ohio law allows employers to obtain coverage in other, states in addition to their Ohio coverage, which is spelled out Ohio Revised Code 4123.292. When this happens, employers must submit a form, which […]
Case File When a claimant tried to use a statutory limit on expert witness fees to keep testimony out of a workers compensation proceeding, he learned that the money charged could go to questions of […]
Case File A late-in-the game shift in a doctor's opinion was beyond an employer's control, and thus a continuance was in order. Simply Research subscribers have access to the full text of the case. Case […]
Case File When a worker died on the job, the employer where he was conducting his work at the time claimed that, as his statutory employer, it was immune from a lawsuit thanks to the […]
What Do You Think? Washington, DC ( – An employee needs to point to a serious health condition to bring an FMLA interference claim. One case addresses the question of whether merely alleging that he […]
Do You Know the Rule? Iowa’s workers’ compensation statute does not allow employees, or their surviving family members, to collect benefits when the employee, effectively, knowingly harmed himself. This is the willful-injury defense outlined in […]
Do You Know the Rule? In Ohio, an injured worker may obtain a VSSR award in addition to regular workers’ compensation benefits if the employer violated safety regulations. An award for a VSSR is "a […]
Federal Focus Washington, DC ( -- For federal employees who work in fire protection, there are a few rules that apply to them and only them. But just who exactly are those employees? The definition, […]