Phoenix, AZ ( -- When a worker's wrist problems sent him into surgery, did he have enough medical evidence to establish a compensable injury? According to the court in, Johnson v. Industrial Commission of Arizona, […]
Tamaqua, PA (–In Pennsylvania, a worker who is not engaging in work activities but is on his employer’s premises and is required by the nature of his employment to be there may be entitled to […]
In Florida, an accidental injury is compensable if it arises out of work performed in the course and scope of employment. This is the case even if the injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or […]
Tallahassee, FL (( – An injury that occurs in the course and scope of employment is generally compensable. But what if it occurs at work, during work hours, but the immediate cause is not a […]
Wynne, AR ( – Just because an employee had a back injury in the past doesn’t mean his new back injury isn’t work-related. Employers and carriers should review medical records carefully before they argue that […]
Phoenix, AZ ( -- While much of life and work has returned to what it looked like before 2020, there will always be reminders of how severe the pandemic was at its height. For example, […]
Triadelphia, WV ( – It may be clear in a worker’s mind where and why she developed carpal tunnel syndrome. But what if the worker has other conditions that, aside from her work activities, could […]
Madison, MS (–A nurse who contracts COVID-19 while working at a medical facility where the people are getting the virus left and right may, intuitively, and based on common sense, know she contracted the illness […]