Sarasota, FL ( -- Workers' compensation case managers are resources for patients, their families, and healthcare team members. Case managers are viewed as influences and connectors who can get things done when others throw their […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- Case Managers are in place to assist people (patients and caregivers), coordinate care, and work with your team to help you obtain resources to meet your needs. They are in a […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- In last week’s post, I discussed the importance of a Job Analysis when preparing an injured worker to return to work. The job analysis provides many answers that doctors, therapists, case […]
CEUs available for Certified Case Managers and State Nursing Licenses Newnan, Georgia (January 16, 2024) — ATF Medical, a national provider of complex equipment and adaptive housing programs in the workers’ compensation industry, has launched its “Making Complex […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- As a worker's compensation nurse case manager, I worked with many people who sustained a work injury that, even after physician therapy, found it difficult to determine if they could return […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- A few weeks ago, I discussed the importance of documentation for all case managers. In this post, I wanted to share the importance of documentation if you are ever subpoenaed in […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- The importance of documentation cannot be overemphasized. In this post, I wanted to share some questions and tips on documentation. As nurse case managers, we learned about documentation during our training, […]
Sarasota, FL ( -- A Nurse Case Manager's greatest challenge is finding resources for their patient and their families that don’t fall under traditional insurance. Learning about these resources is a job unto itself, so […]