Wisconsin Proclaims June ‘National Safety Month’


Madison, WI (WorkersCompensation.com) - Wisconsin Safety Council – the state’s leading provider of safety training and products – is once again partnering with the National Safety Council to recognize June as National Safety Month. Throughout the month, Wisconsin Safety Council will offer public and private training programs, engage members in a social media campaign and educate the public on how to prioritize safety at home and in the workplace.

“To promote a safe work environment it starts with prioritizing safety at home, and turning that priority into a habit,” said Wisconsin Safety Council Executive Director Aaron Huebner. “From hazard prevention to promoting employee health and wellness there are a number of steps everyone can take to create a safer work environment.”

Safety prevention starts with taking care of yourself and making sure you’re well-rested and healthy enough to do a quality job at work. Prioritizing your own health and safety helps develop safe habits at home and at work that can help you create a safe work environment for the rest of your team.

During National Safety Month, Wisconsin Safety Council will focus on a new topic each week:

  • Week 1: Musculoskeletal Disorders


  • Week 2: Workplace Impairment


  • Week 3: Injury Prevention


  • Week 4: Slips, Trips and Falls

Each week, Wisconsin Safety Council will release helpful information related to each topic through its social media platforms.

“Wisconsin Safety Council looks forward to highlighting best safety practices throughout June,” added Huebner. “But making safety a priority should be a goal all year long to help ensure Wisconsin is a leader in workplace safety.”

To help celebrate, Gov. Tony Evers proclaimed June as National Safety Month in Wisconsin. His proclamation is available by clicking here.

To find out more about Wisconsin Safety Council, please visit: www.wisafetycouncil.org.

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