NS: Changes Expand Presumptive Cancer Coverage for Firefighters


Halifax, NS (WorkersCompensation.com) - The government announced changes to regulations to further protect firefighters, both career and volunteer, from risks they face protecting Nova Scotians.

The number of cancers with presumptive benefits has been expanded from six to 19, and changes also expand coverage to include heart attacks that occur within 24 hours of an emergency call. 

“This change means that if firefighters develop any of these types of cancers, it will now be presumed to be due to their work,” says WCB Nova Scotia CEO Stuart MacLean. “This means they can more easily access financial and health care benefits. It also means that more Nova Scotians will be protected from the impact if they get sick because of their work.” 

Our teams will be ready to administer these benefits when the coverage for new cancers and heart related health events come into effect on July 1, 2022. The changes will be retroactive to apply to diagnoses since January 1, 2021.

WCB Nova Scotia has a dedicated team focused on occupational disease, and this change expands the list of conditions that qualify for presumptive coverage, on an established process.

If you think you may qualify, please be in touch with us as the effective date of the change approaches.

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