New from NCCI: Temporary Disability Duration in Workers Compensation – A First Look

10 Nov, 2023 NCCI


WHAT: NCCI’s latest report: Temporary Disability Duration in Workers Compensation - A First Look  []

WHO: The report is authored by:  

  • Kirk Bitu, FCAS, MAAA, CERA, Actuary II  
  • Alana Bernardo, ACAS, Associate Actuary 
  • Casan Scott, Senior Data Scientist 


  • Average duration of temporary disability benefits (TD) increases with age, although the rate of increase slows down after 40. 
  • The Construction and Utilities sector has the longest average duration of all the economic sectors. 
  • Among the most common injuries seen in workers compensation, shoulder claims have the longest average duration.  

WHY IT MATTERS: The majority of lost-time claims receive TD benefits at some point. Given their ubiquity, it’s important to develop a thorough understanding of these benefits. 

This report also expands on a series of briefs from 2010-2013 NCCI published on temporary total disability benefit duration. This 2023 update looks at all TD benefits which includes both temporary total disability and temporary partial disability benefits. Additional data will also make it possible to monitor trends by accident year.  

WHAT’S NEXT: Part 2 of this series will incorporate statistical modeling techniques. 

ACCESS THE FULL REPORT: Temporary Disability Duration in Workers Compensation - A First Look  []

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