NCCI just released: The Future of Workplace Safety Technology Is Now – Carrier Perspectives

10 Aug, 2023 NCCI


WHAT: NCCI’s newest report: The Future of Workplace Safety Technology Is Now - Part One - The Carrier Perspective.

WHO: NCCI interviewed four insurance companies engaged in testing, introducing, or implementing safety technology:


  • What are these safety technologies and what do they do?
  • How can safety solutions add value?
  • Are there specific injury types or industries that may benefit more from newer safety technologies?
  • What are the obstacles to implementation?
  • What is the future of safety technology? Is it a game-changer?


  • Insurers are exploring multiple types of advanced safety technologies and are at various stages of implementation.
  • Back injury prevention is a common focus for new workplace safety technology; however, applications are available to address many other injury types.
  • Manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics industries are mentioned as principal target industries for modern safety solutions.
  • An employer culture of “safety and trust” is seen as critical to the adoption and sustainable use of advanced safety technologies.
  • Integrating workplace safety and operational efficiency may result in wider adoption of safety technologies.
  • More testing and analysis are needed to fully quantify the value of modern workplace safety technologies.
  • Safety technologies are deemed to be a “game-changer” by some industry experts; all interviewees see these technologies playing a major role in the future of worker injury prevention.


The evolving workplace and role of the worker are top of mind for workers compensation stakeholders. A rising industry-wide concern about the shifting workforce and workplace is the potential impact on the frequency and severity of on-the-job injuries. NCCI is often asked about the status of safety technology being utilized in the workplace, such as wearable devices.

WHAT’S NEXT: Part 2 of this series will feature insights from safety technology vendors and suppliers.

ACCESS THE FULL REPORT: The Future of Workplace Safety Technology Is Now - Part One - The Carrier Perspective

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