CWCI Announces Its 25th Annual California Workers Comp Case Law Update Program

09 Mar, 2023 Jaime Toby


Oakland,CA - The California Workers’ Compensation Institute (CWCI) has announced that it will conduct its 25th annual California Workers’ Compensation Case Law Update as both an in-person event and as a live, online broadcast on Tuesday, May 23.  The program, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the OCC Conference Center in Oakland’s City Center (adjacent to the 12th St. BART Station), will examine how recent trends in decisional law are reshaping California workers’ compensation and discuss negotiation and defense strategies for attorneys, claims personnel, and hearing reps.

This is the 25th year that CWCI has conducted the case law seminar, which will be presented by a panel of legal experts from Northern and Southern California, and moderated by CWCI General Counsel Sara Widener-Brightwell, who is overseeing development of the program.  Ms. Widener-Brightwell notes, “This year’s panel of speakers will once again include veteran defense attorneys Richard Jacobsmeyer and Trisha O’Neal, as well as two seasoned worker’s compensation legal experts, defense attorney Randy Pollak and applicants’ attorney Lisa Ivancich, who will join the faculty for the first time.  This unique panel will provide real-world, practical insight from both sides of the courtroom, allowing attendees to gain a better understanding of how to use case law to effectively manage, negotiate, and defend claims, and what to expect from opposing counsel.”  In addition to providing updates on recent rulings, the speakers will identify issues related to recent statutory and regulatory changes, examine old case law to see what still applies, and offer workers’ compensation claims and legal professionals a fresh look at the impact of case law.  

The program will utilize a full audio-visual presentation to provide important case details and factual backgrounds, and other highlights for every case on the agenda.  One week prior to the session, seminar registrants will be sent a link to the complete electronic version of the course materials (including hyperlinks to the actual decisions) that can be downloaded to a laptop or printed out in advance.  Attendees also will have the option to pre-order a bound copy of the course materials at a nominal cost.

Tuition for CWCI’s 2023 Case Law Seminar is $399, with a $100 discount available to CWCI member company employees.  CWCI has received certification to offer 5.0 hours of MCLE credits (including 5.0 hours of specialization credits in Workers’ Compensation) from the State Bar of California for this program.  In addition, CWCI will provide registered attendees with certificates of attendance upon completion of the program for submission to the Association of Hearing Representatives of California and for verification of hours to apply toward the California Department of Insurance workers’ compensation claims adjuster certification requirements.  Attendees must be fully registered at least two days prior to the session in order to receive MCLE / CE credits and participation by the broadcast participants will be tracked electronically for compliance.

A limited number of in-person seats are available, so those wishing to attend the live session in Oakland are encouraged to enroll quickly.  To register online or to download the seminar flyer, click here and scroll down to the Case Law Seminar 2022 Update, or call Mel Long at CWCI, 510-251-9470.     


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    • Jaime Toby

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