Looking Back on 2024 

19 Dec, 2024 Anne Llewellyn

Case Management Focus

Wow, where did 2024 go? I hope you had a good year and will be able to take some time for yourself over the upcoming holidays.  

At this time of the year, I like to look back on the year and see what I have accomplished and set new goals for the coming year.  

This is my second-year writing for WorkersCompensation.com. My role is to write for the case management audience who work in the workers’ compensation field. Nurse Case Managers, Vocational Specialists, Disability Management Specialist and Claims Adjustors are the professionals who make up this space and work with other members of the healthcare team, employers, attorney and others to ensure injured workers are identified and help them get the care they need to return to gainful employment. .  

Our roles are different, but we complement each as we all work toward the same goal: to return the injured worker to gainful employment after a workplace injury or illness.  

The work is challenging as there are many variables that come into play in each case. One thing I know as licensed professionals,  is that our allegiance is to the injured worker. We use our skills to do what we need to do to see that the inured worker gets the care and resources they need to reach their maximum potential. As each person’s maximum potential differs, we dig deep to help those understand their conditions and adapt to changes as a result of their work place injury.   

In 2024, I wrote 41 articles on various topics. Here is the link to review the posts. https://www.workerscompensation.com/author/anne-10/. Scan the list to find the ones that are of interest to you. If they resonate with the work you do or can help shed insights into an issue or challenge that you face in your area of practice, share the link with your team and use the article to learn and grow.  

I would like to thank the team at WorkersCompensation.com for the work they do to share information from all of the writers on our team. Reading e-letters contributes to our collective continuous learning activities that keep us updated and aware of changes in the field and resources to meet the needs of the injured workers.  

I would also like to thank Frank Ferreri, the Media Director for WorkersCompensation.com He is always available for questions and keeps the content flowing!  

I hope you and your families have Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy 2025. I will be back on Jan. 6 with new content.  

If you have ideas for new content, please feel free to email me and I will do my best to address the topics.  


Anne Llewellyn, MS, BHSA, RN, CRRN, CMGT-BC, BCPA, CMF 

 Nurses Advocate  

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    About The Author

    • Anne Llewellyn

      Anne Llewellyn is a registered nurse with over forty years of experience in critical care, risk management, case management, patient advocacy, healthcare publications and training and development. Anne has been a leader in the area of Patient Advocacy since 2010. She was a Founding member of the Patient Advocate Certification Board and is currently serving on the National Association of Health Care Advocacy. Anne writes a weekly Blog, Nurse Advocate to share stories and events that will educate and empower people be better prepared when they enter the healthcare system.

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