The prices private insurers have paid to hospitals and physicians have increased much faster than prices paid by Medicare and Medicaid. And it’s not because providers are cost-shifting. Those are the main takeaways from a […]
Paying Workers Comp benefits late can cause a claims adjuster or staff many headaches that quickly can avoid many problems in the future. Many states have rules on the books that penalize slow payers for […]
Periodically an interesting analysis in workers' compensation leads to discussion of death benefits. A recent decision from Ohio's appellate court provides an interesting explanation of statutory interpretation. Some will likely find the court's analysis somewhat […]
NJ Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 283, requiring covered workers at health care facilities and high-risk congregate settings to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, including having received a booster dose. […]
By far the number one question we get from injured Illinois workers is, “What is my case worth?” That makes sense. If you are missing time from work, it can greatly impact your life financially. […]
Two public workers who were performing sidewalk maintenance in Lewiston, Maine are being hailed as heroes this week after encountering a severely injured man stumbling down the street toward them. It appeared his arm had […]
The American Bar Association encourages members to support the communities in which they live and work. In an effort to help the New Orleans community, in which we are meeting for the Workers' Compensation Mid-Winter […]
On January 10, 2022, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case Gallardo by and through Vassallo v. Marstiller (No. 20-1263). This action before the Supreme Court is an appeal of the United States […]