I’ve done a few podcasts recently, and find them to be a lot of fun. Yvonne and Rafael hosted me in a kick off the second season of their Deconstructing Comp pod…we dove into opioids, humility, making things real, testifying […]
It’s no secret that construction is one of the most safety-intensive industries in the world. It’s also one of America’s largest industries, with some 7.4 million people employed in the construction field. Construction workers face […]
The New Jersey Division of Workers' Compensation [DWC] has announced that it will go forward with in-person hearings effective March seven 2022. While some pro forma and uncontested proceedings may still be handled in […]
This blog is about workers' compensation, certainly. However, it is often also about the law, in that vein drifting periodically from its workers' compensation roots somewhat. The law is dependent upon predictability and transparency. Those […]
We have a discussion forum here on WorkersCompensation.com that, while open to anyone, is dominated by injured workers. Posting activity has slowed during the pandemic, but historically it has been a very active area for […]
When it comes to what your Illinois Workers’ Compensation case is worth, a lot of that has to do with how much money your earned per week. That sets your workers’ compensation rate. Payment for […]
Protecting your business and your workers year-round should be an employer’s number one priority. AmTrust's Loss Control department offers 22 helpful tips to keep safety top of mind through the seasons in 2022 - and beyond. Winter […]
Somehow, over the years, my email address has wound up being listed on various press release distribution lists, with the result being that I get many emails every day announcing everything from company mergers to […]