In a historic step, the US Environmental Protection Administration [EPA] is moving to protect people from cancer risks and is moving to ban asbestos in the US. The EPA has proposed its first-ever risk management […]
There have always been severe weather events (remember Noah?). Those who live in places blessed with a minimum of such challenges may rejoice, but for many there are persistent fears of hurricanes, volcanos, tsunamis, tornados, […]
One of the most significant challenges every employer needs to have on their radar is employee-related substance abuse in the workplace. In fact, several clinical workplace surveys show that substance abuse cases are one of the most […]
An Appeals Board opinion released on Monday offers guidance on notice and in particular what constitutes prejudice to an employer, among other notable rulings. In Hannah v. Senior Citizens Home Assistance Services, Inc., Donna Hannah, a home […]
In the U.S., April 4-10 marks National Public Health Week, which aims to educate policymakers, practitioners and the public about topics that are important to improving the health of our nation. Among the issues to […]
In an alien and unpredictable turn, the government’s efforts to flood the economy with borrowed dollars have achieved some extraordinary impacts. See Shrinkflation and SB 959 (December 2021). Inflation has worsened even since December. Over the last decade, […]
It is often said that words mean things. I’ve actually written that here on the digital pages of my blog, so it must be true. Clear, concise, communication can help overcome hurdles when dealing with challenging issues. […]
The impact of morbid obesity on the residuals of an injury that occurred at work is to be considered when evaluating an individual’s eligibility for Social Security disability. A Federal District Court judge recently ruled […]