It appears the California legislature is likely to approve a negotiated compromise that would revise limits on California medical malpractice claims. The bill, AB 35, would amend MICRA (the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act of […]
WorkCompWire arrived yesterday with the news that new employees get injured much more often than their more-experienced colleagues. The Travelers provided the research, which confirmed – and added more detail – to what we already (sort of) […]
The Five Stages of Grief are based on a theory developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross that suggests people go through five distinct stages of grief after the loss of a loved one. The five stages are denial, […]
Judicial behavior is back in the news. Just recently, there was an interesting story about a judge's performance. See Medical Excuse (April 2022). It is a troubling story of an Ohio judge that seemed less than focused upon […]
You know that feeling you get when you go to see your favorite band play live? You are surrounded by a bunch of other fans and energy fills the room. That’s the same feeling I […]
Gasoline storage questions are among the most common we hear. As a flammable liquid it is essential that businesses understand the requirements and best practices surrounding its storage and handling. This post will answer some […]
Bob Clyatt, the man who started Kids’ Chance in Valdosta, GA back in 1988, can tell a compelling story. He told the audience at last week’s National Kids’ Chance Conference in Charlotte about the challenges […]
Some may recall that I admire the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln. I cited some of that wisdom in an earlier post regarding attorney’s fees. Beyond fees, Lincoln’s visionary insights into other matters ring as true today […]