I’m happy to answer any Illinois workers’ compensation for free. There truly is no such thing as a dumb question. I love talking to anyone, but especially enjoy it when people ask me things I […]
Workers comp medical provider networks can usually provide injured employees with the utmost care while saving medical treatment dollars. A win-win-win situation between the injured employee, medical provider, and employer can be attained if a […]
The Kansas City Star reported a workplace fatality in a community close to Detroit, Michigan. Certainly, such an event is newsworthy in a general sense, but is perhaps of additional interest to those in the workers' compensation […]
Much about work has changed over the last two years, but one thing remains constant as it has for decades: chronic pain is still a problem for workers and their employers in 2022. Pain is […]
In March 2022, the Office of Judges of Compensation Claims announced that there would be consolidation of district offices. See Consolidation, Mediation, and Remuneration. Days have morphed into weeks, and the plans for accomplishing the re-districting are […]
HFA or High-functioning anxiety in the workplace is an often-overlooked problem. In fact, it is a catch-all term for people who live with anxiety, but don’t necessarily consider themselves to be suffering from an actual mental illness. […]
The Appeals Board released an opinion yesterday, reiterating the fairly well-settled parameters of medical noncompliance in the Workers’ Compensation Law. The decision also held that trial judges have an obligation to scrutinize letters seeking expert […]
When it comes to automatic presumptions, it has been a scary few years for employers and workers’ compensation insurers. A plethora of new laws mostly regarding first responders have been passed in recent years extending […]