Yesterday I woke up with a song inside my head: "Everything In Its Right Place" by the English rock band Radiohead. Like a morning bell ringing in my ears, this first track from the Kid A album continued to […]
There is so often discussion of the reputation of lawyers. Bad lawyer jokes are a staple of the unwitting. Without fail, when introduced at a cocktail party, some hapless attendee thinks I need to hear […]
In June 2022, the Kentucky Worker’s Compensation Board rendered an intriguing reminder, vacating and remanding an order by the administrative law judge. In Sourcehov v. Bustle, Claim 201997527, the judge awarded various benefits to the […]
RCM is the acronym for a focused, ever-evolving, highly sophisticated approach hospitals, ambulatory care facilities and healthcare systems use to suck as many dollars as possible from employers, taxpayers and insurers. There are scores of RCM […]
I am not a Luddite, but change and technology trouble me. Through my adventures with automation and leveraging of technology, I have driven to detach myself and others from the world of paper and postage. […]
Rising costs on catastrophic workers’ compensation injury claims are creating never-seen-before levels of severity. We take a look at why many have not likely heard of this trend and the cost drivers influencing it. There […]
According to BMJ Journals, Meta-Analysis is a research process used to systematically synthesise or merge the findings of single, independent studies, using statistical methods to calculate an overall or ‘absolute’ effect. This is a process […]
The workplace can be a challenging place. It is a place in which safety has evolved significantly in the last 100 years. There are layers of protections for workers today that simply did not exist […]