It is hard to imagine how the Writer’s Guild of America strike has anything to do with workers’ compensation, but it does. As a member of that Guild since 1990, I am in conversation with […]
By Harvey Warren and Douglas Amend There are many moving parts to assisting injured workers through the recovery process. Some of those parts are not strictly medical and often present gaps in the recovery process. […]
How did it come to be that the prevailing thought among injured workers is that workers’ compensation is a paid vacation, maybe a permanent vacation, if it is played correctly. It is a tragic mindset […]
The question really surprised me. When I first presented the idea of educating patients to optimize them in preparation for surgery or through the challenges of injury recovery, a case manager asked, “Will they do […]
Nothing is more challenging in the life of most people than changing behavior. For many, very obvious reasons, nothing will interrupt your usual behavior patterns quicker and more fully than a serious injury. In recovery, […]
The intersection of medical care and business is a tortured place. Money and medicine have a long history of conflicting and difficult, practical and moral choices. In the short time I have been writing on […]
At a prayer breakfast during a WCI convention in Orlando, Florida, I was struck by how forward thinking the presentation was while being so rooted in ancient Biblical text. The message of the prayer breakfast […]
The late Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld famously said, “There are known knowns — there are things we know we know,” when asked for evidence that Saddam Hussein tried to supply weapons of mass destruction […]