The Florida First District Court of Appeal issued a decision on February 16, 2022 in Silberberg v. Palm Beach County Schools, Case number 1D20-75. It is a very detailed return to the topics of "course and […]
This blog is about workers' compensation, certainly. However, it is often also about the law, in that vein drifting periodically from its workers' compensation roots somewhat. The law is dependent upon predictability and transparency. Those […]
There is a great deal of discussion in the news recently regarding a concept called "minimum mandatory." This had its birth in the 1980s, when legislative bodies sought to limit judicial discretion in the context […]
I lack the openness that other bloggers bring to their pages. I have always envied the manner in which people like David DePaolo and Bob Wilson open their lives on the Internet and share unabashedly […]
Tragically, a vast number of people have been infected with SARS-C0V-2, the "novel coronavirus" which causes the disease we all know as COVID-19. We have lived through lockdowns, travel bans, roadblocks, mask mandates, testing requirements, […]
In 2021, I wished everyone good luck with my new-found phrase Catch a Cold! (March 2021). There, I described the view of some that the body may react to exposure to some coronavirus with production and retention […]
Occupational disease is recognized as a foundation for entitlement to workers' compensation benefits, similarly to injury by accident. That has not always been the case in every jurisdiction, but as workers' compensation has evolved over […]
In March 2022, the American Bar Association Trial and Insurance Practice (TIPS) section is bringing back its mid-year meeting. This annual tradition has come to have special meaning for the workers' compensation attorney community because of […]