What Do You Think? Philadelphia, PA (WorkersCompensation.com) -- When an employee sues for FMLA retaliation, one of the biggest hurdles she must clear is showing that her exercise of FMLA rights caused her employer to […]
Case File Brooklyn, NY (WorkersCompensation.com) -- In New York, when a workplace injury is caused by an employee’s intoxication, the injury may not be compensable under the Workers’ Compensation Act. A case involving an employee […]
New York, NY (WorkersCompensation.com) -- As an employer or workers’ compensation carrier in New York, when should you fight a COVID-19-related claim, and when should you not? A case involving a worker who drove sick […]
Case File Work is stressful—sometimes very stressful. But an employee is unlikely to have a compensable claim based on stress alone. Instead, she’ll have to show that stress was out of the ordinary—greater than what […]
What Do You Think? LaGrange, OH (WorkersCompensation.com) -- Dependents are entitled to seek death benefits under the Ohio workers’ compensation act. But if the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation finds that the claimants are not dependents […]
What Do You Think? Philadelphia, PA (WorkersCompensation.com) -- To be compensable under a workers’ compensation act, an employee’s injury must occur in the course and scope of employment. Sometimes, an employee’s claim that his injury […]
What Do You Think? Cincinnati, OH (WorkersCompensation.com) -- An employee does not always have to get injured inside the building where he works to be covered by workers’ compensation benefits. One exception to the “coming […]
What Do You Think? Scarborough, ME (WorkersCompensation.com) -- The exclusivity provision in Maine’s workers’ compensation act bars an injured worker, or representative, from suing an employer after obtaining workers’ compensation benefits. One case addresses whether […]