What Do You Think? Boothwyn, PA (WorkersCompensation.com) – Comments and texts from supervisors can sometimes support an employee’s claim of retaliation. But as a case involving a Walmart store manager shows, the employee still needs to […]
What Do You Think? Schenectady, NY (WorkersCompensation.com) -- A few key pieces of evidence usually work together to show whether an employee was or was not misrepresenting his injuries to obtain workers’ compensation benefits. In […]
What Do You Think? Sioux Falls, SD (WorkersCompensation.com) -- The steps a company takes to either fuel or put the brakes on an employee’s workers’ compensation retaliation claim tend to repeat themselves from case to […]
What Do You Think? Ravenswood, WV (WorkersCompensation.com) -- To obtain workers’ compensation benefits, an employee generally has to show, among other things, that her injury was caused by her work activities. A case involving a […]
Chattanooga, TN (WorkersCompensation.com) – An employer must work with an employee to identify possible accommodations once that worker requests an accommodation under the ADA. But what if the employee merely asks for FMLA leave, and […]
What Do You Think? Booneville, AK (WorkersCompensation.com) – In Arkansas, medical conditions that are a natural consequence of a compensable workplace injury may entitle an employee to additional benefits. As one case illustrates, when defending […]
What Do You Think? Hamilton, OH (WorkersCompensation.com) – Most FMLA interference claims involve actions an employer takes while the employee tries to obtain medical leave. But what a company does during leave can also constitute […]
Do You Know the Rule? An injury is compensable under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act if the injury arose out of and in the course and scope of employment. Generally, to occur in the course […]