Little Rock, AR ( – It never looks good when an employer fires a worker while they are on FMLA leave. It can create the appearance that the termination was reprisal for taking the leave, […]
Phoenix, AZ ( -- When someone an employee knows outside of work comes to the workplace and injures her, the injury is often not compensable because it’s not work-connected. In that situation, a court is […]
Wilkes-Barre, PA ( -- Employers with workers’ compensation coverage are generally immune to negligence lawsuits for work-related injuries. But what happens if the worker is hired by and paid by an employment agency, but sent […]
Long Island City, NY ( -- Filing a late workers’ compensation claim for a compensable claim is not always the claim’s death knell. In New York, for example, there are three potential exceptions to the […]
San Jose, CA ( -- A worker is generally entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from his employer when he is injured at work. But what happens when the worker is a convicted felon who is […]
Lake Charles, La (–Workers can generally circumvent the exclusivity provision of a workers’ compensation act by demonstrating that the employer intentionally injured the employee. But can a series of negligent or reckless acts constitute intent? […]
Baltimore, MD ( -- In Maryland, spouses and dependents of employees killed or injured at work are not entitled to sue the company for negligence or wrongful death, with two narrow exceptions. This is known […]
Dubois, PA (– In Pennsylvania, an employee with a psychic injury may have a compensable injury within the meaning of the workers’ compensation act. But he’ll have to show that the injury resulted from an […]