On Taking the Lockton 2022 Workers' Compensation Survey

08 Apr, 2022 Bob Wilson


The 2022 Lockton Workers’ Compensation Survey is currently underway, and workers’ comp professionals are strongly encouraged to participate. Doing so helps all of us better understand trends and challenges in the industry. This survey will also help pinpoint topics and issues to be included in the agenda for the 2022 Complex Risk Symposium.

Survey participants will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a comprehensive summary of the survey findings as a thank you for the effort.

WorkersCompensation.com was pleased to be able to partner with Lockton this year on this survey. Lockton has conducted these studies before with some eye-opening results. A 2017 workers’ compensation survey found that nationwide 67% of claims initially denied wind up being accepted within 12 months. Just as important in their findings was that those claims cost 55% more than ones that were accepted from the outset. Information such as that can help guide future decision-makers and improve the processes of our industry.

Sharing knowledge and experience is vital for the process of identifying vulnerabilities in any industry. Workers’ Compensation is no exception to that rule. Too often, as a risk-averse industry, our professionals fail to participate in important opportunities to collaborate and strengthen the world in which we work. As the introduction to the survey states, your participation in the 2022 Workers Comp Survey will provide valuable feedback and insight to benefit the entire risk management community.  

Please take a few minutes today to share your knowledge and experience with the industry. You may complete the survey here.