GA: Vidalia Insurance Agent Arrested for Insurance Fraud


An investigation by the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation’s Enforcement Division has led to the arrest of Kerri Samples Monroe, age 48. According to Enforcement Division Director Melinda Vigna, Kerri Monroe, is a licensed insurance agent and the owner of the Monroe Insurance Agency In July 2022, the Enforcement Division received complaints that allege Monroe had received premium for workers’ compensation insurance coverage and then converted said premium to her personal use. The Enforcement Division alleges Monroe then issued fraudulent certificates of insurance as proof of workers’ compensation insurance coverage to unsuspecting business owners and general contractors. As a result, these business owners and general contractors believed Monroe’s client had workers’ compensation insurance coverage. These fraudulent certificates created by Monroe could cost business owners thousands of dollars in additional premiums. Monroe was arrested on August 26, 2022 in Toombs County and transported to the Toombs County Jail. Monroe has been charged with 18 (Eighteen) felony counts of insurance fraud in Toombs County. Following her arrest Monroe posted bond and was released from custody. The case is still being investigated by the Enforcement Division and additional charges are anticipated in the near future. The Enforcement Division has worked with Toombs County Sheriff’s Office and Investigators of the Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire, who has filed unrelated charges against Monroe. If any business owner has received a certificate of workers’ compensation insurance from the Monroe Insurance Agency you are asked to contact the State Board of Workers’ Compensation’s Enforcement Division at (404) 657-7285 or (800) 533-0682. The Enforcement Division encourages anyone who receives a certificate of workers’ compensation insurance coverage to verify the certificate either by using the State Board’s website or by contacting the insurance company directly. All other lines of insurance coverage such as auto, home-owners, or general liability should be verified directly with the insurance carrier. Workers’ Compensation fraud affects everyone. To report suspected workers’ compensation fraud or an employer with no workers’ compensation insurance coverage, please call the State Board of Workers’ Compensation’s Enforcement Division at (404) 657-7285 or go to Board’s website at and file a complaint on-line.

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