5 Actionable Steps to Reduce Stress


Stress is everywhere!

When things become too overwhelming, however, stress can quickly affect your quality of life and wreak havoc on your physical and mental health

For example, Samantha felt her stress build over the course of a week as she approached an important deadline at work and a sick child at home. It began with her heart racing; then a headache arrived along with increasing anxiety. Most people ignore such symptoms and assume them to be a part of their everyday life. The truth is all these symptoms can dangerously interfere with your health and can have detrimental effects on your mental health. In this article, we will discuss how you can reduce stress with 5 actionable steps.

5 Actionable Steps to Reduce Stress

To reduce stress, consider the following: 

1. Identify the Cause 

Start by identifying the stress cause, such as: 

Samantha realized that there was little she could do about her sick child except stay with her. She could, however, do something about her work stress. She met with her boss and discussed ways to meet the deadline. 

2. Take Care of Your Health 

  • Eating healthier 
  • Exercising 
  • Getting adequate sleep 
  • Journaling 
  • Consulting with a therapist 

3. Learn How to Relax 

Try out any of these relaxation practices. 

  • Deep, slow breathing 
  • Yoga 
  • Meditation 
  • Warm baths 
  • Aromatherapy 

4. Organize Your Schedule 

Feeling somewhat in control of your day can also help overcome stress. 

Organize daily or weekly schedules with the following: 

  • To-do lists 
  • Larger projects, broken down into smaller tasks 
  • Goals 
  • Time for self-care 
  • Rewards for yourself along the way 

5. Meet Up with Family and Friends 

Meeting up with friends and family is beneficial to your health and stress levels. 

Take time to enjoy being around the people you love, and be sure to laugh more as you do. 

Get started with these five simple steps and start to overcome stress today. 

By Erin Gull

Courtesy of Axiom

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