NC: Commissioner Causey Selects Lori Gorman to Lead Captives Insurance Division


Raleigh, NC ( - North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey today announced that Lori Gorman has been selected as the new Deputy Commissioner of The Captive Insurance Company Division.

“Lori has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the financial oversight that will complement the Captive Insurance Company Division,” Commissioner Causey said. “Her calm and personable demeanor will be an asset to the Department and the industry.”

Gorman has been at the N.C. Department of Insurance for 15 years. She currently serves as Assistant Chief Financial Analyst with the department’s Financial Analysis Section of the Company Service Group.

In her current role, Gorman assists with monitoring the financial solvency of North Carolina’s 90 domestic and more than 1,400 foreign insurers licensed in North Carolina. In addition, Gorman serves as a representative for the department on a working group with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Before joining the Department of Insurance, Gorman worked in public accounting and in the insurance industry, including serving as the director of internal audit with the former Durham Life Insurance Co.

A North Carolina native from Lenoir County, Gorman is a graduate of N.C. State University and a certified public accountant.

Gorman will succeed Debbie Walker, who has led the program since its inception in 2013 and is retiring. Gorman begins her new role on April 1. As previously announced, Jackie Obusek, Senior Deputy Commissioner of the Company Services Group, will assume senior leadership responsibilities over the Captive Insurance Company Division in addition to her other current responsibilities.

Captive insurance is a formalized self-insurance program that many businesses use as a means of managing their risks.

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