CA DWC Posts Proposed Amendments to the Qualified Medical Evaluator Regulations to Online Forum for Public Comment


San Francisco, CA ( - The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has posted proposed amendments to the QME regulations to its online forum where members of the public may review and comment on the proposals.

The changes are being proposed to help the Qualified Medical Evaluator program better service the community.

The draft regulations include the following:

  • Extends the time frame to schedule a medical-legal evaluation by an additional 30 days.
  • Clarifies that the time frame for scheduling of an evaluation is for both initial and subsequent evaluations.
  • Updates to allow for electronic service of documents.
  • Provides flexibility if parties agree an initial evaluation can occur at any office listed with the medical director.
  • Deletes reference to Agreed Panel QME to be consistent with Labor Code section 4062.2(c)
  • Provides for a QME or AME to reschedule an evaluation within 60 days of the date of the cancellation unless the parties agree beyond the 60 days.
  • Provides a mechanism for Remote Health Medical-Legal evaluations if specific criteria are met.
  • Provides a definition of remote health evaluations and identification of office location when a remote health evaluation is conducted.

The forum can be found on the DWC forums webpage under “current forums.” Comments will be accepted on the forum until 5 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2022.

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